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The meeting took place on Saturday, 8th August 2020 with 35 people in attendance.  The Minutes of the 2019 Meeting and the 2019 Accounts were approved.  The Trustees were tasked with appointing the reporting accountant. Your new President is Mr David Mansell and your new President Elect is Mrs Margaret Partridge-Keane. Mrs Susan Burger, Mrs […]

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Covid 19 Update

The Exmoor Pony Society office continues to function as near ‘normal’ as possible. We would ask all members and owners to follow government guidelines – the British Equestrian Federation has updated their guidelines with regard to equines and equestrian activities – do visit their website. We would continue to ask that all owners keep us […]

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Breed Show

As you will appreciate due to the Coronavirus pandemic all events have had to either be cancelled or postponed.  Exford Show as we know it has been cancelled. However, IF the Country is back to normal by the end of July the Breed Show may still go ahead on Wednesday 12 August on Exmoor, so […]

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Information from the BFBA

BFBA Advice for Farriers COVID – 19 It is mutually agreed that farriery is considered essential work. We are currently at the beginning of an initial three week lock down period and in the coming weeks we will continue to liaise with them. Whilst we agree that farriery is essential, we are also mindful of our […]

exmoor ponies on the moor

Annual General Meeting

In light of the Covid-19 outbreak, the Annual General Meeting and Stallion Parade currently scheduled for 6th May 2020 at Raleigh’s Cross will not be going ahead. The Trustees are currently considering the best course of action to take to meet the Society’s legal obligations to hold the Annual General Meeting by 1st August 2020 […]


Native Pony Roadshows

The organising committee and breed societies have unanimously decided that in the currrent climate to postpone both “Roadshows”. These days are for the enjoyment of members/judges and enthusiasts and not a necessity The Southern date will be Saturday 18th October and the Northern tbc.


M&M Study Day

5th April, College of West Anglia, Landbeach Road, Milton, Cambs CB24 6DB – 9.30am start Open up to anybody interested in the judging process. Each breed has a speaker (Sue Burger for the EPS), who will explain on breed specifics, way of going etc, the candidates are also able to mark ponies to see exactly […]

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At the Annual General Meeting in each year the Charity shall appoint two members of the Charity (whether or not already being members of the Committee) to be President and President-Elect from the conclusion of that meeting until the conclusion of the next following Annual General Meeting. If any President so elected shall die or […]

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Trustees of the Society are elected each year by the membership. The Council consists of 12 members (13 in 2019), 3 of whom step down each year on a rotational basis. Trustees stepping down after a four year period, may seek re-election and, if elected, serve another four year term. Trustees stepping down after serving […]

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There are two competitions for ponies bred in Scotland: Adult: Stallions and mares, 4 years and older in 2019 (NO GELDINGS) Youngstock: Colts, fillies and geldings, 3 years and under in 2019 The closing date for nominations is 31 January 2020, and this will be strictly adhered to. Downloads Adult Entry Form Young Entry Form […]

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The Fell Pony Society Midlands East Group Invite you to a Social and lunch on Saturday 2 November Ffolkes Arms, Lynn Rd, Hillington, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE31 6BJ 12.30 for 1pm All Fell Pony enthusiasts, Exmoor and Dales supporters and their friends are very welcome. This is a great opportunity to meet other Fell Pony […]


RBST Seminar

On Wednesday 17th July we attended the RBST Native Pony Seminar – Breeding for Posterity & Preservation at West Kington Stud – it was lovely to see the native pony represented by an Exmoor. Thank you to Jane Holderness-Roddam for hosting the event and providing this super picture and to the RBST for putting on […]