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At the Annual General Meeting in each year the Charity shall appoint two members of the Charity (whether or not already being members of the Committee) to be President and President-Elect from the conclusion of that meeting until the conclusion of the next following Annual General Meeting.

If any President so elected shall die or otherwise vacate office before expiration of his or her term of office the President-Elect shall automatically become President for the remainder of such term.

Associate Members and Junior Members shall not be eligible to become President or President-Elect.  The President and the President Elect shall be eligible for re-election.

Normal practice is for the President Elect to become President in the year following their appointment.

No person shall be appointed to the office of President or President-Elect unless not less than three nor more than thirty five clear days before the date appointed for the annual general meeting notice has been given to the Charity of the intention to propose that person for appointment together with a notice executed by that person of his willingness to be appointed.

Nomination forms are available from the Secretary and should be returned, duly signed and completed to the Registered Office.