Membership of the Exmoor Pony Society

The Exmoor Pony Society offers six levels of membership – if you are not sure which level is applicable to you then do contact Susannah Muir, Registrations and Membership Administrator on 07919 974514 or

We have a network of Area Representatives who organise a variety of events within their area each year.  Whilst you will be assigned to a geographical area, this does not preclude you from attending events and shows in other areas. Do visit the Area Page for your nearest representative and look on the calendar for upcoming events.

The Exmoor Pony Society’s Performance Awards and Area Awards are open to all members – please visit our Awards Page page for more details.

For more details on the competitions the Exmoor Pony Society runs, please visit our Events page.

Membership rates effective from 1st January 2024

Membership Type One-Off Joining/Rejoining Fee(*1) Annual Subscription
Life Member £1000 n/a
Full Membership £5 £37.50
Family Membership 1 Vote (*2) £5 £54
Family Membership 2 Votes (*3) £5 £75
Supporter Membership (*4) £5 £27.50
Student (U25 in full-time education)
or Junior (U18) Membership (*5)
n/a £10

Membership Notes

*1 Membership renewals are due on or before 1st January. The membership of any member who has not paid their annual subscription by 31 March shall lapse at the discretion of the Committee. Those who have still not paid after this date will be required to pay the joining fee again.
*2 Family Membership 1 Vote covers one or two adults and any number of children up to the age of 18 living in the same household.  One adult vote allowed per family.
*3  Family Membership 2 Votes covers two adults and any number of children up to the age of 18 living in the same household.  Two adult votes allowed per family.
*4  Supporter Membership is meant for people not actively breeding or showing Exmoor ponies but who wish to support the Society.  No voting rights.
*5 Students (Under 25 in full-time education) and Under 18s.  No voting rights.

The Exmoor Pony Society’s Code of Conduct

A member of the Exmoor Pony Society should:

  • Comply with all legislation/regulations applicable in the UK, regarding equines
  • Abide by the memorandum, articles and rules of the Exmoor Pony Society
  • Not seek to undermine the objectives, rules and practices of the Exmoor Pony Society
  • Not injure or attempt to injure whether directly or indirectly, the reputation, prospects or business of the Society or  any other Exmoor Pony Society member

200 CLUB

The 200 Club plays an important part in funding the Society’s operation and offers monthly draw prizes. Thank you for your support.

200 Club Leaflet and Application Form

Membership Forms

The easiest way to become a member of the Exmoor Pony Society is using our online membership application form below. You can then send payment by your preferred method.

Alternatively, you can fill out the following form and send to EPS, Susannah Muir, Holmwood Farmhouse, Tey Road, Earls Colne, Colchester, CO6 2LD or

Membership Application Form January 24

Payment Options

We are encouraging all members to pay by direct debit. To do so, please email Susannah Muir, on, who will respond with instructions. It only takes a few minutes to set up. Alternatively, you can pay by one of the following methods:

Website Payment

Click here to pay for your membership on our website.

Cheques or Postal Orders

Please make cheques or postal orders payable to Exmoor Pony Society and send them to:
Exmoor Pony Society, Susannah Muir, Holmwood Farmhouse, Tey Road, Earls Colne, Colchester, CO6 2LD

Bank Transfers/Online Payments

If you wish to make a bank transfer or online payment then please use the details below:

Account Name: The Exmoor Pony Society
Sort Code: 60-14-30
Account Number: 95311777

When making your payment, please include your surname and what you are paying for in the reference.


If you wish to utilise PayPal then please use the email
When making your payment, please give your surname as the reference and include a message or reference explaining what the payment is for.

Other Charges

If you are looking for information pertaining to other fees payable to the Society, such as registration fees and passport upgrades, please see the document below.

Charges List