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The meeting took place on Saturday, 8th August 2020 with 35 people in attendance.  The Minutes of the 2019 Meeting and the 2019 Accounts were approved.  The Trustees were tasked with appointing the reporting accountant.

Your new President is Mr David Mansell and your new President Elect is Mrs Margaret Partridge-Keane.
Mrs Susan Burger, Mrs Stephanie Poulter and Mr Nigel Hill were elected as Trustees.

The retiring Trustees were Mr David Brewer and Mrs Fiona Dickson as Mr Nigel Hill was elected to fulfill a second term in accordance with the articles of association.

Mrs Jen Mclaren vacated her position as a Trustee in February 2020.  This casual vacancy was filled in accordance with articles of association by Mrs Jenna Payne who will serve as a Trustee until May 2022 when she will be eligible for re-election.

At the Trustees Meeting on Monday, 10th August, Mr Nigel Hill was elected as Chairman and Mr Geoff Bryant, Mr Toby Hickman and Mr David Wallace as Vice-Chairmen. (11/08/2020)