Northern Area Event
This years Northern Area Autumn Ride will be held on Saturday 22nd October @ 12.30 at Escrick Park, Escrick, York YO19 6EA
The cost is £20 per pony , but if there are 6+ Escrick have reduced the fee to just £14 per pony All are welcome – including ‘ honorary ‘ Exmoors .
Prior to the ride / drive from 1000 – 1200 hrs there will be an ‘ Introduction to driving ‘ session by BDS instructor Pat Cooper , with information about harness, equipment ,initial training and long reining tuition . Friends of members & honorary Exmoors are also welcome .
Costs :
Spectator £3 (EPS member) £4 (non member)
Participant £6 (EPS member) £7 (non member)
If you are taking part with a pony then please bring along a surcingle and long reins if possible ,
This is an excellent opportunity to learn what is required to introduce a pony to driving .
After a short refreshment break ( please bring packed lunch ) the ride / drive will start at 1230 approx .
Come along for either session or the whole day !
Please let Denise Sykes know if you are attending