Bath and West Results
Exhibitor AND Exhibit to be registered with the Exmoor Pony Society.
The Ponies to be registered in Section 1 of the Exmoor Pony Stud Book.
Horse of the Year Show
This Show is a Horse of the Year Show Supreme In-Hand Championship 2021 Qualifier. See Qualifier page for details. Geldings four years old and over are not eligible to go forward to the Supreme in-Hand qualifier.
NPS/Kilmannan Stud M&M In Hand Silver Medal Rosette Championships
These classes are qualifiers. See NPS/Kilmannan Silver Medal page.
NPS/HorseQuest M&M In Hand Summer Championship
These classes are open to pure bred registered M&M ponies in the main body of their studbook.
Owner’s membership cards must be shown in the ring to receive qualifications. Foals are not
Judge(s) Mrs Pam Cox, Bridgwater
Susannah Muir – Probationary Judge
Four years old or over, with or without foal at foot.
Entries 7
3rd 613 Mrs S Wooderson & Mrs M Haynes, light brown mare, BADLEYBRIDGE EMILIA, 2017,
519/3, bred by: Mrs S Wooderson & Mrs M Haynes, s.Elsinore Alan Partridge,
d.Coedywern, Handler: Mrs Madeline Haynes
614 Mr. L. & Mrs. G Parry, brown mare, TAWBITTS MYSTERY’S MAID, 2012,H17/145, bred
by: Mesdames Ablett & Langdon, s.Ebony 4/29, d.Tawbitts Mystic Marie H17/97,
Handler: Mr. Lloyd Parry
615 Mr. L. & Mrs. G. Parry, brown mare, HAWKWELL CLEMENTINE, 2017,12/292, bred by:
Mr. J. Western, s.Hawkwell Goes Zafonic 12/225, d.Cherry 4/12, Handler: Mrs
Gemma Parry
4th 616 C Quantrill, bay mare, WALTERSGAY LILY OF THE VALLEY, 2016, H29/65,bred by: Miss
I Nash, s.Teagle Sir Kay , d.Tawbitts Penny, Handler: Carol Quantrill
1st 617 Mrs Emma Wallace, bay mare, ANCHOR GRETEL, 2011, A/585, bred by: Mrs Emma
Wallace, s.Heron, d.Bluecaps, Handler: Wallace
2nd 618 Mr David Hodge & Mr Julian Walters, bay mare, BLUEBARN NANCY, 2012, 371/15,
bred by: Mrs D E Cooper, s.Buttondown Gideon, d.Blossom, Handler: David Hodge
5th 619 Miss Jody Wheeler, brown mare, ANCHOR LOVE STORY, 2016, 05864, bred by: Mr D L
& Mrs E Wallace, s.Barhill Danny, d.Tonic, Handler: Miss Jody Wheeler
Two or three year old.
Entries 3
620 Samantha Harris, brown filly, BURREWELLE BLUE IVY, 2018, 493/6, bred by:
Samantha Harris, s.Dunkery Godwit, d.Knightoncombe Blue Jay, Handler:
1st 621 Mrs S Wooderson & Mrs M Haynes, brown colt, BADLEYBRIDGE BRAVEHEART, 2018,
QM2042, bred by: Mrs S Wooderson & Mrs M Haynes, s.Elsinore Alan Partridge ,
d.Blackthorn Blush Rose, Handler: Mrs S Wooderson
2nd 622 CassieJames, brown colt, ANCHOR ODYSSEY, 2019, 826025000007494, bred by: Mr
And Mrs Wallace, s.Anchor Ginger ale , d.Anchor Hoki, Handler: Cassie James
Entries 1
1st 623 Mrs Emma Wallace, bay gelding, ANCHOR PRECIPITATION, 2020, A/738, bred by: Mrs
Emma Wallace, s.Anchor jaffa Cake, d.Anchor Icicle, Handler: David Wallace
Four years old or over.
Entries 3
2nd 624 Geraldine Bowman, brown gelding, BENEDIKT, 2011, N/a, bred by: Mr W Lewis
Smith, s.Tawbitts Peter, d.Tawbitts Olivia, Handler: Camilla Richards
3rd 625 Carol Street And Peter Marshall-Bailey, brown gelding, WESSAXON MANUKA, 2012,
409/1, bred by: Carol Street And Peter Marshall-Bailey, s.Dandelion, d.Waltergay
Honey Buzzard, Handler: Carol Street
1st 626 Ms Ac Worsdale, brown gelding, PINKERY TAMARIX , 2003, Qm2366, bred by: Mrs S
Mansell, s.Old Peculiar , d.Lady, Handler: Ms AC Worsdale
Four years old or over.
Entries 3 – result has been requested from the organisers
627 C Handley, brown stallion, ANCHOR LABYRINTHS LORD, 2016, , bred by: E Wallace,
s., d., Handler: C Handley
628 Samantha Harris, bay stallion, BURREWELLE REVEL, 2014, 493/2, bred by: Samantha
Harris, s.Dunkery Nuthatch, d.Cholderton Heather, Handler: Samantha Harris
629 Mr David Hodge & Mr Julian Walters, bay stallion, BLACKTHORN POLDARK, 2016,
H14/65, bred by: Mrs A Nicholls, s.Blackthorn Sea Poacher, d.Thameside Whisper,
Handler: David Hodge
HC23 For the Champion Exmoor Pony
Royal Bath & West Champion and Reserve rosette.
Champion – 617 Reserve – 621
HS14 For the Best Youngstock
From classes H78 & H79. 621
Exmoor Pony Society rosette.
HS15 For the Best Gelding
From classes H78, H79 & H80. 623
Exmoor Pony Society rosette.
HS16 For the Best Foal
In Class H77. 617
Royal Bath & West Special rosette