Equine Road Transport Survey
Your Organisation and its members could help us to make transport by road safer for equines and their human handlers.
Nottingham Trent University (NTU), the British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Association (BARTA), The British Horse Society (BHS) and The Horse Trust are working together to identify ways in which horse transport can be made safer in the UK. We believe that the experience of owners, riders and trainers can provide invaluable information.
We would be really grateful if your staff could complete the survey and forward the link (below) to members of your society.
The survey includes questions about your experience of transporting equines – whether they are transported for you or by you – and what measures should be taken to reduce the risks associated with transporting equines by road.
The survey should take no more than 20-30 minutes (depending on the number of incidents you are reporting). Please complete the survey even if you haven’t had any incidents as responses to the survey will be analysed to identify key factors associated with best practice.
You have until 11pm on 30th June 2017 to complete it. We realise it’s quite a long survey but need detailed information so that we can make accurate recommendations for making transport safer – we really appreciate your time!
Before starting the survey please make sure you have the following information to hand:
• Driver transport qualifications (if any)
• Vehicle (lorry and/or trailer) information
• Details of any transport incidents
Please select ‘don’t know’ for questions where you don’t have full details.
All respondents will remain anonymous and the subsequent analyses will not include reference to any individual or Company.
Participants must be over the age of 18 and you can withdraw from the survey at any time.
To take part in the survey please follow this link: