
Exmoor Pony Chronicles

The Exmoor Pony Chronicles – a must for everyone interested in Exmoor ponies – the perfect Christmas present! You can order your copy from Friends of Exmoor Ponies Ltd who fund raise to support the Exmoor Pony Society and the future of this rare native breed. https://www.friendsofexmoorponies.ltd.uk/books-dvds/exmoorpontchronicles.html


The Exmoor Pony Chronicles – MEMBER OFFER

The Exmoor Pony Chronicles by Sue Baker – OFFER EXTENDED -EPS members can still get the discounted price of £21.99 plus £3 postage and packing plus a free limited edition bookplate. To take advantage of the offer, use the post-publication member’s leaflet and order form not the online shop. The offer will be available until […]

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Scottish Bred Horse or Pony of the Year 2017

To celebrate the achievements of our Scottish Bred Horses and Ponies, each paid up member of SEBA is invited to nominate their choice of Scottish Bred Horse or Pony of the Year, (to highlight successes in the year, lifetime achievements, great breeding results, and wonderful family horses/ponies). Each member organisation can invite nominations from within […]

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Christmas Foal Show

The schedule for the foal show is on the website: https://www.exmoorponysociety.org.uk/fileadmin/user_upload/file_collections/showschedules/2017_Christmas-Foal-Show.pdf