200 Club Needs You!

Membership of the Exmoor Pony Society 200 Club combines fundraising for the Society with a chance of winning a cash prize.

Each year of its existence, the EPS has needed to raise funds to help pay for the important work it undertakes. The 200 Club was created for this purpose.

Now that we are more than 100 years old, let’s redouble our efforts to ensure that the 200 Club lives up to its name and we have 2,3,4 or even 5 club members for each year of the EPS’s history. Can you imagine if we had 1000 members?

So if you are already a member, re-join; if you forgot to renew last year, please re-join; and if you have never been a member, JOIN TODAY!

Join your family and friends and for just £1 a month. You have a chance of a monthly prize or being part of the May bonanza. It takes a second to do and means so much to the Society.

There is no limit to the number of entries per person. Three prizes (currently £25, £15 and £10) are drawn every month from June to April and there is a Bonanza Draw in May at which prizes currently range from £25 to £200. Prize money could be increased with a larger membership.

Only winners will be notified directly but a list of winners is available on the website each month. The May Bonanza Draw is usually carried out at the Exmoor Pony Society AGM.

How the 200 Club works

Membership of the Exmoor Pony Society 200 Club combines fund-raising for the Society with a chance of winning a cash prize. Membership costs £12 per annum. The 200 Club year runs from June to May i.e. first monthly draw is in June and the last, the Bonanza Draw, will be May, whereupon subscriptions fall due again. Anyone joining part way through the year will pay an appropriate pro-rata sum or, if they wish, the full £12 to be eligible for the Bonanza Draw.

Membership and inclusion in the monthly draw will commence with the month following receipt of the application and subscription. Each membership will be allocated an individual number. Only those who have paid for a full 12 months membership will be eligible for the May Bonanza Draw. Each month, every 200 Club membership number will be entered into a draw, where an independent scrutineer will pick out the winning numbers.

200 Club Membership Form

200 Club Leaflet and Membership Form

200 Club Results

1st Beryl Rae
2nd Margaret Partridge Keane
3rd Diana Smith

May 2024 Bonanza Draw
1st Sue Scott
2nd Deborah & Mark Drummond, Diana Smith, Audrey Spain
3rd A Grainger, Nicky Hudson, Beryl Rae
4th Liz Barker, Christine Golder, Barry Hitchcox, Diana Smith

April 2024
1st Jacky Hardy
2nd Deborah & Mark Drummond
3rd Diana Smith

March 2024
1st Jane Andrews
2nd Rob & Sarah Taylor
3rd Mary Rose Bryant

February 2024
1st Charlotte Matravers
2nd A Grainger
3rd Patricia Gilbert

January 2024
1st Diana Smith
2nd Linda Wood
3rd Jim & Linda Dawson

December 2023
1st Jim & Linda Dawson
2nd Mary Ware
3rd Linda Wood

November 2023
1st Eve Pattinson
2nd Jane Andrews
3rd Linda Wood

October 2023
1st Denise Sykes
2nd Mark & Debbie Drummond
3rd Jacky Sykes

September 2023
1st Diana Smith
2nd Phoebe Barker
3rd Sari de Sarigny

August 2023
1st Brian Griffith
2nd Jane Andrews
3rd Alan Barker

July 2023
1st Molly Barker
2nd Diana Smith
3rd Jacky Hardy

June 2023
1st Peter & Ceri Wells
2nd Denise Sykes
3rd Diana Smith